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School District

Curriculum & Instruction » Band Essential Learning Outcomes

Band Essential Learning Outcomes

By the end of the first year of study (normally 4th grade) students will be able to:


  • Compose or write 4 bar rhythmic and melodic patterns.


  • Perform rhythmic patterns using the following notes/rests: Whole Note/Rest, Half Note/Rest, Quarter Note/Rest, Beamed Eighth Notes, Single Eighth Note/Rest and Dotted Quarter Note.
  • Perform melodic patterns containing the notes in the following Concert Scales: Bb Major, Eb Major, F Major.
  • Perform rhythmic/melodic patterns in the following time signatures: 4/4 or C, 2/4, 3/4.


  • Describe an artistic work using correct music terminology. (Dynamics, tempo, articulations).
  • Self-Evaluate (with accuracy) and provide appropriate feedback to peers.
By the end of the third year of study (normally 6th grade) students will be able to:


  • Compose or write short compositions, using rhythms and notes in a melodic pattern.
  • Improvise short exerts, using known notes and scales.


  • Perform rhythmic patterns using the following notes/rests: Eighth Note/Rest Triplets, Sixteenth Notes/Rests and Rolls (percussion).
  • Perform melodic patterns and scales containing notes in the following Concert Scales: Bb Major with Chromatics/Accidentals, Eb Major with Chromatics/Accidentals, F Major with Chromatics/Accidentals, C Major, Ab Major and Db Major.
  • Perform music using musical expression (articulation, dynamics, etc.): Piano, Forte, Mezzo Piano, Mezzo Forte, Crescendo/Decrescendo/Diminuendo, Staccato, Tenudo, Accent, Fermata, Tie/Slur/Legato, Trills and Ritardando/Accelerando.
  • Perform various types of repeats: Common repeat, First and Second Ending, Da Capo (D.C.), Dal Segno (D.S.), al Coda and al Fine.
  • Perform rhythmic/melodic patterns in the following time signature: 2/2, 6/8, 5/8 , 3/8 and 4/2.


  • Describe an artistic work using correct music terminology. (Dynamics, tempo, articulations).
  • Self-Evaluate (with accuracy) and provide appropriate feedback to peers.
By the end of a student's fifth year of study (normally 8th grade) students will be able to:


  • Compose or write 8 bars of rhythmic or melodic music.
  • Use the information about a piece creatively to enhance the music and/or add other artistic aspects (example: Art, dance, movement).


  • Show understanding and demonstrate through performance,  the following aspects of music notation: Note/Rest Values, Expression, Articulation

      Tempo, Dynamics, Signs and Symbols.

  • Sight read with accuracy using whole, half, quarter, eighth notes and rests in 4/4 and 3/4 time.
  • Perform Concert B flat Major Scale and Chromatic Scale from memory and apply various articulation patterns.
  • Perform the follow Concert Pitch Scales with accuracy:  B flat, E flat, A flat, F, C, G.
  • Perform musical works with accuracy in the the Concert key of: F, B flat, E flat, C, G, D.
  • Perform scales in minor key signatures.
  • Perform in the following time signatures:  4/4 or C, 2/4, 2/2, 3/4, 6/8, and 7/8.


  • Describe a work using correct music terminology.
  • Describe the mood of a work and can apply the appropriate expression.
  • Identify major and minor scales.
  • Self - correct his or her own playing.
  • Provide appropriate feedback to group performances.


Image result for tradition of excellence by bruce pearson


Instrumental Music (Band) is offered to students in 4th-8th grade. Band instruments consist of brass, woodwind and concert percussion. Students have large group rehearsal twice a week and a pull out lesson once a week either as individuals or small groups.


Students are required to participate in a minimum of 2 public performances a year. (Winter and Spring Concerts) Additional opportunities include Solo & Ensemble Regional Contest (Grades 4-8) and WSMA District Festival (Grades 6-8).


Students in band at the Intermediate Level (grades 7-8) are required to participate in marching band rehearsal in the fall of the year and at least 1 marching band performance during the school year.  Grades 6-7-8 have the opportunity to participate in Jazz Band and Pep Band at both Honor Intermediate and at HUHS.  


Our Band Parent Organization plays a huge roll is supporting our program. Including maintaining school owned instruments and purchasing medals for the Solo & Ensemble and WSMA Competitions.


Students who wish to pursue a study on String Instruments or Piano are encouraged to do so privately. Participation in school events will be possible at the Intermediate Level.