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Herman Neosho Rubicon
School District

9000 Relations » 9140 Citizens' Advisory Committees

9140 Citizens' Advisory Committees

The Board of Education, in its discretion, shall establish citizens' advisory committees when there is a definite function to be performed. All appointments of citizens to advisory committees shall be approved by the Board. All appointments of staff members to citizens' advisory committees shall be made by the District Administrator. Staff members shall never constitute more than a minority of any such committee. Every effort shall be made to ensure that the makeup of an advisory committee is as truly representative of the community as possible. The chairperson of an advisory committee shall be chosen from among the lay members. Board members may be ex-officio members of an advisory committee.

Specific topics for study or well-defined areas of activities shall be assigned in writing to each committee immediately following its appointment. Upon completing its assignment, a committee either shall be given a new problem or shall be dissolved promptly. No advisory committee shall be permitted to continue for prolonged periods without a definite assignment. Each committee shall be instructed as to the length of time each member is asked to serve, the resources the Board intends to provide, the approximate dates on which the Board wishes it to submit reports, and the approximate date on which the Board wishes it to dissolve. Furthermore, the committee shall be instructed as to the relationship it has to the Board, to individual Board members, to the District Administrator, and to the remainder of the professional staff.

The structure and organization of an advisory committee shall be determined by the Board as appropriate to the assignment. Advisory committees shall be encouraged to draw upon a wide variety of resources both inside and outside the School District. Each committee shall be encouraged to draw upon the talents of other local residents and to recommend to the Board the official appointment of any such additional member(s) as the committee may desire.

Expenditure of District funds by an advisory committee shall be made only upon the prior approval of the District Administrator. Supplies, equipment, and personnel from within the School District may be obtained through the appointed staff resource person.

Correspondence between the Board and its committees shall ordinarily be conducted by the District Administrator with the advice of the President.

The District Administrator shall transmit the contents of any communication from a committee to the Board at the next meeting of the Board.

When a committee is ready to submit a report on its assigned topic, the District Administrator shall arrange a meeting for the purpose of receiving the report.

The Board shall have the sole power to dissolve any of its advisory committees and shall reserve the right to exercise this power at any time during the life of any committee.

All advisory committees created by the Board are subject to the notice provisions of the Open Meetings Law.

19.81 et seq., Wis. Stats.