Before & After School Care

Rules and Regulations
- Before and After-School Care is $3.00 per hour per child and will be billed in no less than one-hour increments. For example, if a child attends After School Care from 3:30 - 4:30 pm the charge for that day is $3.00. If a child attends After School Care from 3:30 - 5:15 the charge for the day is $6.00.
- Due to staffing and space constraints as well as high demand, availability for before and after-care will be very limited. Preference will be given to families whose children are signed up daily and for at least one hour. There will be NO ON-DEMAND before or after care available. If you are unable to pick up your student at 3:30pm, you will need to make arrangements for your child’s transportation (bus or parent pick up).
- After-care cancellations under extenuating circumstances are allowable until 1:00pm the day of the child’s registered time; however, a $10.00 cancellation fee will be applied per cancellation. Frequent and/or habitual cancellations may result in suspension of continued participation in available after and before-care services.
- You may drop off your child anytime between the anticipated hours of 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m., (hours are TBD due to staffing) using the designated Before-School Care entrance, as long as the child has been registered and approved by the school to attend.
- You may pick up your child(ren) anytime between the anticipated hours of 3:45 p.m. and 5:15 p.m, (hours are TBD due to staffing) After care is not available after 5:15 pm under any circumstances. Failure to pick up your child by 5:15 pm may result in suspension of continued participation in available after and before-care services.
- The same behavior expectations and rules that we have for students during the school day are expected during the before and after care program. A violation of established rules and expectations may result in consequences including, but not limited to, a warning, sitting out of an activity, a think sheet, or a call to a parent/guardian. If a violation is judged by the teacher and administrator to be severe or chronic, the parent may be notified that the student will not be allowed to participate in the Before or After School Care program for an amount of time, deemed appropriate by the teacher and administration.