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School District

8000 Operations » 8405 Environmental Health and Safety Program

8405 Environmental Health and Safety Program


The Board of Education believes that air quality in the District’s buildings deserves the attention of all staff members who work within those buildings. This procedure provides guidance in the detection and response to conditions leading to mold growth, which can affect indoor air quality ("IAQ").

Excessive moisture levels or improperly maintained HVAC systems can lead to conditions optimum for the development of biological contaminants such as mold and fungi on indoor surfaces. When airborne, the presence of these contaminants can be harmful on contact with human respiratory tissue. Contributing factors to excessive moisture levels include, but are not limited to, the following:

A. roof leaks

B. structural defects in the building

C. faulty plumbing

D. improperly controlled humidity levels, and

E. faulty HVAC systems/poor ventilation


Mold spores are always present in indoor air but do not reproduce in the indoor environment unless moisture and an organic food source are present. Virtually any organic substance may meet the requirements as a food source, and may include wood, carpeting, paper products (books, stored paper, files), insulation, foodstuff, wallboard, ceiling titles, wall paper, etc. Attention must be focused on identifying excess moisture sources which, coupled with the food source, may lead to mold development.

IAQ Coordinator

The District Administrator shall appoint an IAQ Coordinator who shall have the responsibility of investigating or causing to be investigated all complaints relating to IAQ. Results of all such investigations are to be recorded and provided to the District Administrator. These records are to include the source of the complaint, the steps taken to address the complaint, and any remediation taken, if indicate.

Moisture Control

Staff members are to immediately report any signs of excess moisture to custodial personnel. This includes plumbing leaks, wet spots on ceilings, walls, or windowsills, damp or sagging ceiling tiles, wet carpet, condensation on pipes or overflowing HVAC drip pans, moisture collecting on air vents, or musty odors, or other indications of excessive moisture within the building.

Once identified, steps shall be taken under the direction of the IAQ Coordinator to identify the moisture source and to determine a course of action for proper response, including mold remediation, if indicated. It is important that any wet or damp spots be cleaned and dried within forty-eight (48) hours and that indoor humidity levels be maintained below sixty percent (60%) relative humidity and ideally between thirty to fifty percent (30% - 50%) (USEPA) if possible.

If no maintenance staff members with the District have received specialized training in the identification and remediation of mold, then the IAQ Coordinator shall determine whether it is necessary to enlist the services of experienced professional to assist in this effort.

Hidden Mold

If building occupants are reporting health problems such as allergic responses (runny nose, eye irritation, skin rash, asthma attacks, respiratory problems, headaches) or if an area has an unexplained musty smell, it is possible that mold is present within the ceilings, walls, ductwork, under carpeting, or other areas that are not obvious without further investigation. These concerns must not be ignored, and should be reported immediately to supervisory personnel and the IAQ Coordinator.

If mold is suspected, area occupants may be removed and steps taken to identify the mold location. Personnel searching for the mold should take proper safety precautions in order to safeguard their own health and to avoid releasing additional mold spores into the air. At the direction of IAQ Coordinator, it may be necessary to enlist the services of experienced professionals and it may be advisable to notify the county health department. The area in question should not be re-occupied until the IAQ Coordinator has determined that the mold remediation has taken place and moisture sources have been identified and corrected, or that the situation does not require such remediation.

Staff Education

All staff are to be made aware of conditions necessary for mold development, and of each individual's responsibility to report any concerns relative to those conditions to their supervisor.

EPA Website

The EPA website contains valuable information regarding mold and mold remediation in public buildings. The EPA publication Mold Remediation in Schools and Commercial Buildings is to be available for reference in all buildings.

© Neola 2004

The Board of Education recognizes its responsibility to provide students, employees, and visitors with a safe and healthful environment. To this end, the Board directs the District Administrator to develop a comprehensive program designed to provide a healthy, safe, and secure environment on District property and at District-sponsored activities. To achieve this, it is the intent of the Board that the District will avail itself of current, proven technologies in the fields of health, safety, and environmental sciences.


The District shall develop and implement an environmental health and safety program that is positive, proactive, integrates responsibilities within the District, and promotes and incorporates the following:
A. Procedures describing a hazard identification and abatement program that requires the periodic inspection of District facilities, the implementation of immediate and programmed corrective actions when deemed necessary by such inspections, and the development of a District-wide hazard reporting procedure that enables employee/stakeholder participation. This program should also provide procedures for identifying and responding to hazards that are created by outside entities, inspecting activities of contractors, and inspecting new facilities to determine whether appropriate requirements for environmental health and safety have been met.
B. Procedures that promote environmental health and safety awareness among employees, students, and stakeholders. These procedures shall include, but not be limited to, the establishment of school and District safety committees, and the establishment of a program of regular communication with students, employees, and stakeholders about pertinent safety and health issues through available mediums in the District.
C. Procedures directed toward the safety and health of students during transportation to and from school, at school, and during participation in school-related activities. These procedures shall include, but not be limited to, promoting bus safety for students, assessing the safety of school traffic patterns, operating school clinics, administering medication and medical treatment, promoting laboratory and shop safety, promoting safety in sports and other outdoor activities, inspecting playground equipment and promoting safety on playgrounds, and assessing environmental exposure.
D. Procedures related to District employee health and safety issues that include, but are not limited to, provision of work areas free from recognized hazards and programs that are required by Federal and State law, and defining employer and employee responsibilities and expectations related to health and safety.
E. Procedures describing an accident reporting and investigation system that provides for identification of root causes, determination of remedial and programmed corrective actions, and communication about accidents to employees and stakeholders.
F. Procedures for foreseeable emergencies and fire prevention.
G. Procedures relating to recordkeeping required by State or Federal law.


The District Administrator shall require that any chemicals, insecticides, or other materials that the Federal government is phasing out and/or banning by a certain date be immediately banned from use on Board property.


Use of animals in classrooms shall be limited to that necessary to support the educational mission, (e.g., assistance animal), taking into consideration that some animals can cause or exacerbate allergic reactions, spread bacterial infections, or cause damage and create a hazard if they escape from confinement. Animals in classrooms shall be kept in a healthy condition in appropriate cages or tanks, which are kept clean.


In accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency’s initiative to reduce pollution that is caused by school buses on school property, the Board will take the recommended steps to reduce the negative effect of diesel exhaust on indoor and outdoor air quality on school campuses. This effort shall include, but not be limited to, reducing bus idling time and reinforcing smart driving practices

The District Administrator shall develop the administrative guidelines necessary to establish these practices in the District (see AG 8615).


In an effort to comply with the environmental policy and applicable regulations, the District shall develop and implement procedures designed to prevent air and water pollution, minimize or eliminate waste streams where possible, and identify possible sources of air and water pollution as required by State and Federal law.


The District shall not purchase or use for any reason free-flowing elemental mercury.

The District shall not purchase or use any products containing mercury as those products are defined by applicable State law, unless no reasonable alternative product is available and the product with the lowest mercury content is used. This rule does not apply to products whose purchase is required by Federal law or products whose only mercury content is in a button cell battery.


Policy 7420   Hygienic Management

Policy 7430   Safety Standards

Policy 8410   School Safety and Crisis Intervention

Policy 8420   Emergency Evacuation of Schools

Policy 8431   Preparedness for Toxic Hazards

Policy 8431.01 Asbestos Management

Policy 8442    Reporting Accidents
Policy 8450    Control of Casual-Contact Communicable Diseases

Policy 8453     Direct Contact Communicable Diseases

Policy 8453.01 Control of Blood-Borne Pathogens

101.11, Wis. Stats.
118.07, Wis. Stats.
Chapter 32, Wis. Admin. Code
29 C.F.R. Part 1910

© Neola 2010