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Herman Neosho Rubicon
School District

8000 Operations » 8800 Religious/Patriotic Ceremonies and Observances

8800 Religious/Patriotic Ceremonies and Observances

Decisions of the United States Supreme Court have made it clear that it is not the province of a public school to advance or inhibit religious beliefs or practices. Under the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the Constitution, this remains the inviolate province of the individual and the church of his/her choice. The rights of any minority, no matter how small, must be protected. No matter how well intended, either official or unofficial sponsorship of religiously-oriented activities by the school are offensive to some and tend to supplant activities which should be the exclusive province of individual religious groups, churches, private organizations, or the family.

District staff members shall not use prayer, religious readings, or religious symbols as a devotional exercise or in an act of worship or celebration.

The District shall not function as a disseminating agent for any person or outside agency for any religious or anti-religious document, book, or article. Distribution of such materials on District property by any party shall be in accordance with Policy 7510 and AG 7510A - Use of District Facilities and Policy 9700 - Relations with Special Interest Groups and AG 9700A – Distribution of Materials to Students.

The Board acknowledges that it is prohibited from adopting any policy or rule respecting or promoting an establishment of religion or prohibiting any student from the free, individual, and voluntary exercise or expression of the student’s religious beliefs. However, such exercise or expression may be limited to lunch periods or other non-instructional time periods when students are free to associate.

Observance of religious holidays through devotional exercises or acts of worship is also prohibited. Acknowledgement of, explanation of, and teaching about religious holidays of various religions is encouraged. Celebration activities involving nonreligious decorations and use of secular works are permitted, but it is the responsibility of all faculty members to ensure that such activities are strictly voluntary, do not place an atmosphere of social compulsion or ostracism on minority groups or individuals, and do not interfere with the regular school program.

The flag of the United States shall be raised above each school and/or at other appropriate places during all school sessions, weather permitting. The flag shall be raised before the opening of school and taken down at its close every day.

Professional staff members are authorized to lead students in the Pledge of Allegiance or the National Anthem at an appropriate time each school day. No student may be compelled against the student’s objections or those of the student’s parents to recite the pledge or sing the national anthem.

The District shall offer the Pledge of Allegiance or the National Anthem each school day in grades 1 through 8. The District Administrator shall develop administrative guidelines which ensure that any staff member who conducts this activity does it at an appropriate time, in an appropriate manner, and with due regard to the need to protect the rights and the privacy of a nonparticipating student.

118.06(2), Wis. Stats.
20 U.S.C. 4071 et seq.

© Neola 2006