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Herman Neosho Rubicon
School District



A. Introduction
1. The Board of Education shall make all appointments to positions on the basis of a person's professional qualifications. To implement the desire of the Board to appoint on the basis of merit only, all those who have responsibility for staffing should search diligently within and outside the system for qualified candidates to fill staff positions.
2. Each position shall have a job description which shall include, but not be limited to, the following information:
a. the position title
b. its function
c. a listing of the responsibilities and authorizations assigned to the position
d. a description of the reporting and supervisory relationships of the position
B. Qualifications
1. The qualities desired beyond minimum certification requirements are:
a. formal training appropriate to the duties and responsibilities of the particular position;
b. experience, both quantitative and qualitative, related to the particular position;
c. demonstrated ability in the particular position;
d. demonstrated ability to work harmoniously with others, both with those of greater and lesser responsibility and authority;
e. evidence of high educational and professional standards;
f. demonstrated loyalty to the administration and other staff where presently employed;
g. evidence of commitment to professional growth;
h. evidence of professional work habits and conduct consistent with the ethics of the profession.
2. Each candidate shall submit the following information in the form requested by the District:
a. personal data, limited to those allowed by law
b. certificates held
c. record of educational and professional training (including transcripts)
d. record of experience applicable to the position, e.g. teaching, counseling, administration, etc.
e. reports from references
C. Selection Process
1. Application Procedure
All letters of application and all placement office credentials shall come through the District Administrator’s Office which will note date of receipt, acknowledge the application (if applications were requested).
It shall file those of promising candidates, and arrange for an investigation and possible interviews.
2. Investigation Procedure
Checking of credentials should include, in addition to letters of reference, direct telephone calls to the person's recent supervisor(s) or employer. Such information shall be maintained in a confidential file restricted to supervisory and official use only so as to protect the source(s) of the information and the privacy of the applicant.
D. Employment Procedure
1. The District Administrator shall make an offer of employment and remuneration and, upon acceptance by the Board and the successful candidate, initiate a contract which will include:
a. terms of employment including wages;
b. length of contract;
c. job title and person to whom responsible;
2. Upon acceptance, the new staff member shall report to the Bookkeeper to fill out withholding tax, insurance, and any other necessary forms.
3. All documents concerning employment shall be attached to the application and filed in the District Administrator’s Office. (See AG 8320 - Personnel Records)
E. Reporting Employment
The District Administrator shall report all newly hired employees to the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development within twenty (20) days of the employee's start date on the tax withholding form (WT-4) or Internet.
The report shall include the employee's name, address, date of birth, and social security number as well as the District's name, address, and Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN).
For the purposes of this section a newly-hired employee is any first time employee and any individual rehired after an absence of ninety (90) days or more.

© Neola 2011