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Herman Neosho Rubicon
School District

3000 Professional Staff » 3131 Reduction in Staff

3131 Reduction in Staff

It is the responsibility of the Board of Education to provide the staff necessary for the implementation of the educational program of the District and the operation of the schools and to do so efficiently and economically.

The Board reserves the right to abolish positions in the District and to reduce the staff whenever reasons of decreased enrollment of students, return to duty of regular professional staff members after leaves of absence, suspension of schools or territorial changes affecting the District, or other circumstances warrant.

The District Administrator shall develop administrative guidelines for the reduction of staff based on the best interests of the District and consistent with the terms of any applicable interdistrict agreements, and applicable law.

Where appropriate, attrition may be used to achieve the necessary number of position reductions.

Selection of staff for reduction once positions have been identified, will be based on the following considerations, in order from A to D:
A. qualifications of the employees being considered for reduction
B. performance of employees, based on performance evaluations
C. input from direct supervisors
D. length of service to the District

The District Administrator shall determine the appropriate employees for reduction considering all factors that he or she deems important and in the best interests of the District.

No employee that is reduced shall have any right to be contacted by the District in the event that a vacancy opens in the future for which the laid off employee may be qualified. Likewise, no employee is entitled to a future position or is provided any preference over other applicants. Staff whose employment ended with the District due to a reduction in force, shall not be prevented from applying for future positions with the District.

© Neola 2011